
A Reminder For All LLT Members. Memberships expire every May 31st unless purchased after March 1st, in which case your membership will expire on May 31st PLUS one year. Are you unsure of when your membership expires? If you paid online, you will receive an automated reminder to renew. If you paid in person, please contact us for further information.

$21.50 (includes taxes and fees); valid to May 31, 2025.

A ‘Member’ shall be a person who has agreed to abide by the Lindsay Little Theatre Constitution and who is entitled to the following:
a) Receive updates / notifications of the Organization’s business.
b) Use costumes free for personal use (subject to availability).
c) Vote at all business meetings.
d) Run for executive position.

All members must agree to abide by the rules, policies, regulations and constitution of the Lindsay Little Theatre. All current documents can be found using the link below.

Membership Resources

  • LLT Operations Manual (2022)
  • LLT Members Code of Conduct
  • LLT Membership Benefits & Responsibilities
  • LLT Membership Information
  • LLT Anti-Harassment Policy
  • LLT Constitution – Revised and Updated 2016
  • LLT Stage Information

All members agree to have their image captured for use on LLT website(s) and social media channels.

It is the responsibility of all members to read and understand all obligations, policies and rules of Lindsay Little Theatre. We are committed to fostering a safe, open and productive environment at the theatre and anywhere LLT is conducting any business whatsoever.

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